
bidding is open!!

I'm here to announce: the bidding for the "JEST in Time: The Phylogenesis of Clowns" show pieces has started!!
Click the button to see all of the artworks and bid bid bid if you like any of them:
The "buy it now" prices will end on Saturday at 9pm pst. The remaining pieces will be straight auction through September 4th at 3pm pst. Bidding is very simple and can be done directly online.

Here, you have a wonderful opportunity to purchase a really truly amazing addition to your collection for a very reasonable ammount of money, or, if you don't have any such art collection of yours - why don't you start one :)

Some of my favourites below {I would like to repost almost all of them, as I like so many, but I'll limit myself to just some..}:
{Michael Brown, "Glassy Eyes"}
{Ana Bagayan, "The Suitors"}
{Daniel Lim, "Fawn Fruits Clown"}
{Luis Lorenzana, "untitled"}
{Buddy Nestor, "Every Clown Came From Hell"}
{Martin Wittfooth, "Nocturne"}
{Tiffany Liu, "I Hate Clowns Smash Them"}
{Ben Kehoe, "A Difficult Situation to Gauge"}
{Brian Despain, "A Simple Audience"} 
{Dan Barry, "Laugh and Wait"}
Okay, I cannot stop myself, here's another wonderful one:
{Christopher Umana, "Joy Of The Worm"} 
And here's me:

{Jana Brike, "The Consecration of a Clown"}


Here is how I see art collecting:
As for me, the form of my work is to visualize some nondescript states of human existence by producing very private, very intimate imagery. I speak about the poetry of being alive and breathing in this bizarre illogical surreal world of ours, and this poetry grasps fear, love, disgrace, death, tenderness, growing pains, afterlife, sex, eternity.. and other totally human conditions. I speak about it my way.
If I and you at least for one single second pulse with one frequency, you’ll understand my way, and I’ll understand yours, and my visualized image will be your image. Thus, as I see it, the art collecting is a very deeply conscious, highly creative, intimately cognitive pursuit. The right object finds the right person sooner or later, and there is some mystery in this, as if we all were connected in an invisible network, where the right connection happens in the right time..


  1. Jana, you describe this -art of collsecting- in such an appealing and tempting manner!!! I like!!!

    Besides, some wonderful pieces on display there >> yours is one of our favourite!

    Have a lovely creative day,


  2. Ļoti skaista izstāde, Jana, un Jūsu darbiņš izclis! Žēl, ka jādodas tik tālu, lai apskatītu! :)))
    Jau sen sekoju Jūsu daiļradei un izstādēm Latvijā, mūsu ģimene ir Jūsu lielākie fani, taču sen neesam Jūs te nekur manījuši. Vai Jums būs kāda izstāde Latvijā, varbūt personālizstāde? Labprāt kaut ko jaunu apskatītos, varbūt arī nopirktu. Vai arī izstādāties tikai tālajās ārzemēs?
    Ar cieņu,
    Anita Kauliņa
    ps.Kāpēc Jūsu lapiņas ir tikai angliski? :)

  3. Your work is really fantastic, Jana, I hope it does well! What do you paint with?

  4. Anita, paldies Jums! Es izstādos arī Latvijā, nupat piedalījos izstādē Cēsīs. Personālizstādes gan man Latvijā pagaidām nav paredzētas, speciāli arī nemeklēju iespējas, piedalos, kur mani uzaicina, bet cerams drīz nonākšu atpakaļ līdz Latvijai..
    Lapiņas angliski, jo lapas angļu valodā man menedžē ne-latviešu galerija, tulkošanai pagaidām pietrūkst laika.. :)

  5. Lilly, thank you!!
    This particular painting is a mix of oil paints and different varnishes and digital collage, all on wooden board..
    I love your soft drawings very much as well!!
