

I have been asked about what, from the field of art, are my influences, several times lately.

What can I really say?

The world is such a diverse place, the visual language of our society is so rich and overwhelming, it is impossible to draw lines sometimes, it is impossible to say YES to this and NO to that regarding my influences, as sometimes the things that I don’t really ‘like’ or ‘feel’ consciously, actually inspire my creating id more than the things I admit to myself that I like. All the life itself plus all the art ever created influences me with no doubt, and this is ALL the background of what I am. {I hope I’m making a reasonable sense}

BUT – I thought it a wonderful {yet impossible} idea to actively credit my conscious inspirations anyway, so, I have made another blog just for a stream of a wonderful art, vintage findings, historical curiosities etc. which fall in my heart determinedly – i.e. my artistic inspirations – so, welcome to my LOVELINESSCLUB

This place still stays for news about my work, a bit about my life and also for crediting art of others which is direct references or used as hypertexts in some of my art projects.

Meanwhile, let's listen to a sweet little song {well, I find the imaginary friends theme fascinating, as it balances peculiarly right on the borderline between total craziness, an insight into ‘another world’ which, well, might actually exist somewhere, and some fairytale loveliness}:


  1. lovely new blog jana, a couple of really wonderful new revelations for me!!!!
    Doesn't it frighten you as an artist, to have such a diverse knowledge and interest about what is going on in different sections of fine art, as you just could lose yourself in all these miracles....
    okay, no, you have your own vision, that is certain.
    yet your wonderful taste in art surprises me.
    i'll be following your lovelinessclub.
    love the song as well by the way!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. John, I know what you mean. I removed your post from here, but made available commenting under my missing paintings for anybody who wants to say something.
